American Muscle



Kombucha Tea

Greetings Beautiful Being,

Welcome to “Tina Talks Tuesday”, I hope this finds you wonderful and well! With cool weather approching it is important to be mindful of self care and overall wellness. Over the next few blogs I will be sharing a few wellness staples that work for me, that may also work for you.

The first to chat about is Kombucha. A weekly staple that helps boost the health of our house. Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been consumed for thousands of years. Here’s a List of some the Health Benefits:

  • Rich Source of Probiotics

  • May Provide the Benefits of Green Tea

  • Can kill Bacteria

  • May Reduce Heart Disease

  • Contains Antioxidants

    Just to name a few.

    I encourage you to do your own research and try out Kombucha for yourself. Many people believe that kombucha helps treat all sorts of chronic health problems, and although human studies on the effects of kombucha are few and the evidence for its health effects limited...I am a tried and true believer of this wondrous elixir. Enjoy ~ Stay Well~ Peace

    As always comments, topic ideas, and “hello there”’s are always welcomed and highly favored. Thanks for stopping by! <3


    Bella Soul