American Muscle


At American Muscle we believe that health and fitness is a lifestyle - and in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, all aspects of one’s life must be balanced.

We provide the education and guidance to help you achieve your personal goals and the support to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We offer a friendly atmosphere and our classes cater to all ages, stages, and fitness levels.

Check out our schedule for information on upcoming classes. We hope to see you soon!

A message from American Muscle founder, Crofton Celentano:

My Art is my passion, my dream, my peace of mind, my love, it is what I was put here to do... Help people achieve their goals, lift others up whenever possible.

Our mission, our goal  is to have 333 acres, a pond for meditation, and a pole barn for our fitness facility. Complete with a flower garden, organic community garden and nature trails all on site. One trail for dogs, one for hikers, one for bikers, and one community trail will be available. We aim to raise enough funds for the land up front and 3 years of taxes. We will be sustainable long term through a donation option; one can donate time, money, or use the facility on us as a promise to pay it forward. We will provide a judgement free environment for all. One can come out to the compound to learn work ethic, meditation, compassion and empathy. One can work on the property, a place where one can learn to channel energy in positive ways . Our goal is to make a happy healthy future for all. We are an organic, gmo free, environmentally friendly, lead by example environment. There will be an abundance of positive affirmations, with yoga instructors and experts brought in for natural medicines such as acupuncture, the sensory deprivation chamber, reiki, and many more! We have so much information to share and a true love for people, mother earth, and our future. Our triple bottom line and priorities are people, planet, and profit. 

What is Fitness Enlightenment Camp? Our class is truly great for all ages and stages as most of the exercises are performed using your body weight only and we have modifications for all abilities. One of the best compliments we have received is that we are a judgement free zone where everyone feels comfortable. We start off with a dynamic warm-up followed by six different stations. At class we emphasize core training, balance, proper alignment and safety always. We close up class with stretching and meditation with live guitar from Tanouce Crusade and a gratitude circle for good vibes only. What can one expect to find at class? A warm healthy happy atmosphere, where one feels a great sense of community and gratitude. We fully intend to amaze our clients and lift everyone up as much as possible. We are masters at motivating and we hope to see you all there! One love, namaste, Crofton and Tanouce.