American Muscle







American muscle is my art and passion!!! Leonardo da Vinci said “ experience is the mother of all knowledge”. I have been personal training full time since 2013!!!!!!!!! It is such an honor for me to be in the position I am. I started this company March 27th 2013 with the premise of helping others to achieve their goals mentally, physically, and spiritually. We accomplish this by leading by example, a lot of listening and some simple questions to my clients. I engage in acts of self-love everyday. I consume locally grown organic foods as much as possible. I look at food as a fuel for my vessel and I want the best mother nature has to offer. As many whole foods as possible and I consume hemp almost everyday as it is a complete protein and an industry I support and believe in. Hemp is one of the few crops that actually restores nutrients to the soil. It is providing jobs for veterans, it is replacing tobacco for farmers and it is good for our planet and people. Through practice, I am able to be a lifelong learner. I enjoy mediation every day, yoga every week, the sensory deprivation chamber every month. I dry skin brush, use apple cider vinegar, turmeric with black pepper, and so much more. I engage in oil pulling, exercise, journal writing and time in mother nature. I continue to learn and study those I feel are the greats : Leonardo Da Vinci, Abraham Hicks, Bruce Lee, Tanouce Crusade, Mother Teresea, Les Brown, and so many more. I practice kindness, compassion, and I aim to inspire every day. I do not hold myself to standards of perfection and I bless even the negative emotions in my life for providing contrast. Joy would not feel as good without sadness. I aim to always get better and never bitter. I practice letting go as much as possible. I am blessed and highly favored to be able to do what I love every single day. I am extremely appreciative or my time in the military and my experience in Fallujah, Iraq. Why? Well it is so very easy for me to have a great day now! I get to see my family, friends, and dog every single day. I do not have to worry about rockets, mortars, and gun fire. We live in a safe community where freedom rings every single day for me. I try not to take things for granted and I let the little things just roll off my shoulders. I am beyond rich with everything I have been blessed with. I opened two gifts this morning, they were my eyes! I live life very simply, an attitude of appreciation has forever changed my life. I pray you give us the honor of sharing our gifts with you. Meditation has forever changed my life for the better. Please visit our class schedule and/or contact information for ways to find us. We can come right to your home for a time that is great for you, or you can visit one of our fitness classes to get the vibe. Thank you for your time, one love, namaste. 



Tanouce was the best thing to happen to my business other than opening it!!!!!!!! Tanouce is currently on his own adventure… however the door will always be open and ready if he ever wants to come back. :). Tanouce you are: kind, compassionate, a life long learner, amazing at yoga and exercise, handsome and so much more!!! Thank you for being you and your help with American Muscle… it is priceless!!!