American Muscle



Let’s make it cool to care

We can care about what kind of oil restaurants use to cook.

We can care what companies we support with our wallets.

We can care that all animals should be free range getting vitamin D.

We can care about regenerative farming and healing our soil.

We can care about what we feed our kids.

We can care about how we treat one another, kindness, compassion, turning the other butt cheek haha.

We can make it cool to care about Mother Earth.

We can care about our local communities and support one another.

We can pick up trash and litter daily.

I just feel we should make it cool to care

Darkness is ended by light

H*tred is ended by love.

Are you able to send love to those who wounded you?

When you go into a room do you look for the dark switch or the light switch?

Life will throw difficulties at us this is a given.

Getting back up and out attitude is a choice.

Fall down seven… stand up 8


Try to make someone’s life better today.

Peace is my intention today!!!!!

Remember people will rise or lower to whatever expectations we may have.

Scientifically proven if a teacher is told a certain student is an A+ student or a trouble maker student… they will find this to be true.

Be mindful of narratives and gossip.

A belief is a thought we just keep thinking and thinking.

I believe after the age of 16 we are captains of our own ships.

No blaming parents, government or even weather if we have a not good life.

Get out in nature… remember we are a part of nature and not outside it haha.

Be kind and compassionate yet take no sh*t.

Thank god for another day

Be the difference

Eat clean

Clean your mental physical and spiritual homes

No resentment is justified

Let go and let god

Crofton selling tacos

Just as easy

It is just as easy to wake up, meditate, and write down things you appreciate as it is to watch the news and everything that is wrong with the world.

If one stares into the abyss long enough… that is all one will see.

There are good people doing kind things everyday.

If you cannot find one, be one!!!!!!

I know nothing,


Everyone you meet today is missing someone they love.

Love is all we need

Never underestimate the power of love!!!!!!

The calls from planes on 9/11 were all to people they love… not resent or h*ate

I know nothing

But I do know love wins and prayers work

Love is my intention

Love is my intention today🌞🦋🙌

Do you know some people actually look for ways to be offended everyday?

I set daily intentions to give myself something to focus on when my mind wonders.

This morning in meditation right before I came out… love came right to me and through me.

If you have difficulty slowing down or shutting off your mind please give me a jingle… I am slowly becoming a master of it through practice and instruction.

Thank you in advance and God Bless,

Crofton selling tacos

Ps I aim to learn something new everyday and hearts and minds are like parachutes… they only work when they are open 🌞😌🔔