American Muscle




Blame is a weak persons game.

I have been listening to a lot of Dr. Wayne Dyer lately.

When he was a therapist he had a lot of people come in and blame their mom for their issues. His response would be “ Ok send your mom to me and we will treat her and you will get better?”

Life just does not work this way. Circle of control, that person in the mirror.

I feel as though we owe it to ourselves to become the very best version of ourselves this lifetime.

This means dropping all blame and realizing we are the captains of our own ships.

None of us make it out alive without making mistakes. Often this is how we learn our best lessons.

I want to tell every 16 year old you are the captain of your own ship and only you have the power to change your life!!! Never put your happiness in other people’s hands… we must create it!!!!!! Also at 16 one had no idea about life.

I would never allow a 16 year old to take hormone blockers or make life altering decisions. We must remember the brain is not fully developed until 25 and these kids are just barely learning to drive!!!!!!

Kids need to be kids

One love
