American Muscle



"Finger Lakes Connected"

Good Evening Beautiful Beings, 

    Welcome back to "Tina Talks Tuesday", I hope summer is treating you kind! Our nations Independence Day was celebrated last week as many of you know, and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and embraced a moment of silence. 

  I was inspired by an "FLC Edition" I recently read so asked the author, who also happens to be a beautiful friend of mine if I could share her wisdom. Although the "4th of July" has come and gone I hope these words will speak to you, as they are still with me today: 

This Independence Day, the sunset is inspiring me to think about Freedom. It can mean many things to different people, but today I wish everyone freedom from their thoughts. Sometimes our minds can get the best of us and compulsive thinking prevents us from living in the moment. Sometimes we are stuck thinking about something that has already passed or we are proccupied with worry about something that hasn't even happened yet. Either way, we have let our thoughts rob us of the greatest gift we have- THE PRESENT! This happens to the best of us and awareness is the key to catch ourselves in the act while it's happening (or shortly after). We can get better and better at liberating ourselves from our thoughts and just focus on the most basic of tasks - JUST BEING! Let it go and be free. What good is living in a free country, if we are imprisoning ourselves day to day? Happy Independence Day! And remember every sunset is a chance to reflect and realize tomorrow is a brand new day! Ahhhhhh!
Blue Skies,
Donna Bennett

Stay present, and stay connected...with more great information from "Finger Lakes Connected" click the post title to read more from Donna who shares not only words of wisdom but also her passion for what's happening locally, community events, sales at stores, buy/sell, local live bands, coupons, and more! 

As always thank you for stopping by! Comments, suggestions, topics, and hellos are always welcome and highly favored!    Namaste.  (((HUGS)))


                                                        Bella Soul