American Muscle



The Blue Zone Project

Hello Beautiful Being, 

   Welcome back to Tina Talks Tuesday, it's always great to see you here and I'm always grateful to be here! I hope you have been enjoying Mother Natures gifts of vibrant flowers, warm rays, and fresh air...ahhhh!

  I was intrigued and inspired a few weeks ago at a networking event on "The Blue Zone Project". As I mingled, thought to myself, soaked in the concepts, and sipped my red wine I kept getting the same message, "SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN"! So that is what I am here to do today. 

So what's this about?

"The Blue Zones Project is inspired by Dan Buettner, a National Geographic fellow and New York Times best-selling author who identified five regions of the world — Blue Zones — with the highest concentration of people living to 100 years or older.
They include Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Sardinia, Italy; Ikaria, Greece; and Okinawa, Japan.
The Blue Zones Project uses information collected from these regions to help transform communities into thriving places to live, work, eat and play. Blue Zones staff works with communities to help them improve everything from work sites to parks to stores to streets to schools, all to promote the highest level of health and well-being." -MPNnow


   I found it to be very exciting that Ontario "county could be first spot in the Northeast to employ the secrets of living longer." If this sparks a flame inside of you click on the blog title to read more, and find ways that you could help support and/or spread the word. ( it's as easy as sharing this blog link ;) 

  As always I love hearing from you with suggestions, experiences, comments, and hellos...they are always welcomed and highly favored! Thank you for visiting, Namaste!


                                                                 Bella Soul