American Muscle



"Less Texting. More Living."

Hello there Beautiful Beings, 

   Wonderful to see you here once again, I hope life is treating you well! 

Inspiration is all around if you take the time to look. For me inspiration presents in many ways everyday by multiple things. Such as: Reading an article. Watching the sunset. Waking up in a cozy, warm bed. Hearing kids voices. Getting a hand written "loving reminder" note. And, many many other simple, yet wondrous happenings buzzing around me. 

A month or so back, while sitting in a waiting room I made the concession decision to leave my phone in my purse and spark up a conversation with a simple smile and hello to the woman sitting next to me. We ended up having such a nice chat that still sticks with me, and it really did make my day much brighter. After that encounter I made a pledge with myself that from now on, while in waiting rooms, standing in a line, etc. I will always try to make this same choice and see where it takes me. 

I have attached an article that goes along with this concept of "being present" , that also inspired me, and I hope it will speak to you or maybe someone you know as well! (click post title)

Stay Present ~ Love Deeply ~ Listen Openly  <3 You deserve it! One Love. 

As always comments, topics, ideas, events, and "Howdy Ya'll" are welcome and highly favored! 


                                                   Bella Soul