American Muscle



The Universe

Hello there Beautiful Beings, 

    I hope tonight's "Tina Talks Tuesday" finds you warm and well! <3 The Universe sent me an email today, yes you heard me, an email, lol...and I want to forward it to all of you. :) 

  The email goes like this:

"Aha! Do you know what your thoughts did last week?!
They became the things and events of this week. The things you thought would be difficult became difficult; easy became easy; boring became boring; and fun became fun. Where you thought there might be surprises, you were surprised. And where you thought there might be land mines, there were land mines. 
Bravo! You can add this week to the list of your most creative accomplishments. 
Now, can you guess what your thoughts this week are going to do?
You are awesome,  The Universe" 

I hope this speaks to you as deeply as it did to me. Keep the good vibes flowin, creativity growin, and unconditional love glowin'!!!  As always, comments, suggestions, thoughts, and howdy's are always welcome & highly favored! One Love.

