American Muscle




Good evening lovely beings, 

     I hope you all are having a fabulous February thus far, and are surrounded by love and more love! 

   A beautiful Poem was shared with me recently so I thought I would spread the inspiration and love!  "Poetry is finer and more Philosophical than History; for Poetry expresses the Universal, and History only the Particular." ~Aristotel

By Krista Rodzinka
The little maple seed fluttered helplessly to the ground,
Carried by the strong and unyielding wind,
Flowing gracefully in the direction of gravity’s course,
Taking root amongst gravel and stone.
Plunge your roots deep into the rocky soil.  
Grow and stretch until you reach the fertile ground.
Soak in the sun and feed your soul, sprouting and spreading your tender leaves.
Make your trunk sturdy and strong, able to bend, not break.
Let your rough skin shimmer in the glow of the harvest moon.
Let the rains cleanse your spirit.
Let your leaves wave a gentle hello to all who pass.
Let life flow through your veins.

    Thank you Krista, your passion, pureness, and beauty is inspirational and admirable! Hopefully this and all the beauty in each day will spark something inside of you, like this poem did for me. Happy "LOVE" day tomorrow and every day after that!!!

***As always comments, topics, questions, and hellos are welcomed and highly favored*** Stay Present ~ Be Well ~ One Love


                                                        Bella Soul