American Muscle



Power of Positivity

Hello Beautiful Beings,  

   I hope today's "Tina Talks Tuesday" finds you happy and healthy! <3 The mind is a magical "machine" and if water with positive, passionate thoughts can transform ones live. Read the quotes below and let the mind flow, while letting go! Enjoy! 

"The Happiness of your Life depends upon the Quality of your thoughts." 
"There are many ways to calm a negative energy without suppressing or fighting it. You recognize it, you smile to it, and you invite something nicer to come up and replace it; you read some inspiring words, you listen to a piece of beautiful music, you go somewhere in nature, or you do some walking meditation" -Thich Nhat Hanh
"Worrying is like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain." 
" The World is Full of Magic Things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." - W.B. Yeats 
"Change your thoughts and you change your world!" -Norman Vincent Peale 

I hope you can take these words of wisdom and create some of your own to enrich your already rich life! A positive attitude will lead to Positive results! Click on the post title for a little more uplifting inspiration! <3 Thank you for visiting today! Please feel free to leave your favorite inspiration quote, song lyric, saying in the comments below, always a pleasure to hear from you! Namaste. 

