American Muscle

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Father's Day Love

Good Evening Beautiful Beings, 

    Welcome back to "Tina Talks Tuesday". I hope this finds you warm, well, and outside enjoying this beautiful weather we are having here in the finger lakes. 

  Today's blog is a piggyback off of my lovely daughters post from a few weeks ago for Mother's day.  As most of you probably know Father's Day is approaching this Sunday, June 17th. If you are a father figure reading this, thank you for being present and making a difference in somebody's life. If you are reading this and you have a male figure in your life, whether it be your dad, grandfather, uncle, coach, friend, etc., be sure to tell him how much he means to you, and spend some quality time with him! 

 As Kyra mentioned in her blog post you don't have to stress about what to buy him, instead go out and do something with him that you both love! You could go to a local car show, go fishing, go for a hike, cook him a homemade meal, or a sweet treat...they say "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!" ;) The possibilities are endless! 

 He will value the time spent with you more than any material item! Enjoy this upcoming Father's day celebrating with that special guy who inspires and motivates you!

Happy Father's Day to all the great guys out there! Sending you all love, relaxation, and day filled with all the joy you deserve! 

