American Muscle

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30 Min. Healthy Meal

Hello there Beautiful Beings, 

     I hope you all are wonderful, wealthy and well! I like to think that health equals wealth, which leads me to tonight's blog topic  in which I will share a simple saucy recipe.

  This is a weekly staple in our household for the simple fact that it's quick, healthy, and liked by most of the kids. ;)  (If need be puree/hide the veggies  into the sauce) Also, in my opinion it has an added bonus of being vegan and gluten free...yippee!!! Below I will post a "generic" recipe, meaning it can be tweaked to your liking with your fav brands.

Gluten -Free Vegan-Sauce Capellini
  • 1 box~ Jovial Capellini, Brown Rice, Gluten Free, 100% Organic Whole Grain (this is our personal fav) 
  • enough to saute with~ Healthy oil of choice (EVOO, grape seed, avocado)  or Vegetable broth  
  • 3-5 cups of chopped fresh veggies~ I typically use mushrooms, spinach, peppers. onions. garlic, tomatoes
  • Optional "beefless ground" ~ when we do opt for this we like "Gardein" brand (however, I try to limit soy products, this is one)
  • 2 jars organic sauce of choice~ we like Wegmans brand "Grandma's Pomodoro Sauce" or Aldi's brand tomato basil
  • Optional Hemp seeds to "sprinkle" (or a handful) on top (protein) 
  • Optional Nutritional Yeast (vegan parm cheese) to sprinkle on top (no handfuls here) 
Okay I think that's it. Just cook pasta per package directions. Saute all veggies until tender, then add sauce, and simmer 15 min...stirring occasionally. Serve sauce over pasta, garnished with seeds and "vegan parm", and we like to have Wegmans Organic Rosemary fresh baked sourdough bread with Earth-balance organic spread. Nom-Nom...Enjoy! <3

Thanks for visiting today, please give this a try and drop a comment, recipe, review, topic, or simple howdy below. As always all are welcomed & highly favored~ One Love! Until next time..."Pasta La Vista Baby"! 


                                                                    Bella Soul