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Tis' the Season for Giving <3

Greetings Beautiful Beings, 

    Welcome to "Tina Talks Tuesday", I hope this weeks blog finds you merry and bright! With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season among us, this is a kind reminder to keep being your amazing self and continue  "random acts of kindness", giving to those less fortunate, and to count your blessings throughout your day! <3

    So today I simply encourage you to enrich someone else's life! I am providing a local suggestion and a place to start below, and will be making a donation myself as soon as I upload this blog. :)

My dear friend Dana, has a dear friend Liz, who could use some love, prayers, good vibes, donations, support, etc. I had the pleasure of meeting Liz a while ago, she is a pure, beautiful soul, who shines bright inside and out, with a lovely little family . Below I will quote a little bit about her journey...

"Our sweet friend, family, co worker and healer, Liz Hedger, needs some healing herself. Most of you know that she was diagnosed with a brain tumor just before giving birth to her second child late last year. Her tumor has hemmoraged and her family needs our support." 

"'Tis the season! If there was ever a family deserving of your love and support this Holiday Season it's this one. Please consider helping a local Canandaiguaian!!!! Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top! 🍰💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜" ~Dana Rae

Please simply click the blog title to be directly taken to here page. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO BEAUTIFUL YOURSELF! <3 Every bit helps, small, big, sharing, caring and silent blessings!  

As always I am grateful for you and encourage you to share in the comment section below a local family, organization, charity, etc. that you may know that could use a little love & light this holiday season! Stay Grateful ~ Stay Healthy ~ Peace!  


                                                    Bella Soul